Tiny Birthday Party For A Tiny Hedgehog!

From the creator of Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos comes Tiny Birthday Party For A Tiny Hedgehog! This video is so good – I have to give the coordinators of this miniature birthday bash a lot of credit… I have no idea how they get these hamsters and hedgehog to cooperate and act in such a synchronized fashion, but the results are undeniable cute. I never get tired of watching those hamster shove food in their mouths! In the age of individually created content, you really never know what you’re going to see when you get online in the morning. Maybe next time they’ll make a video about tiny hamsters having a tiny wedding. 🙂 Just a suggestion – you never know!

If you missed Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos, you can watch it here. Please share these adorable videos!