This Surfing Seal Will Hang Ten In Your Heart! See For Yourself!

Seals are super cute, but I never imaged that they could be this cute! Watch as this seal tries to shred waves on a surfboard – he tries so hard, but just has a little trouble staying on the board. It’s okay, his surfer friends are there to help him! Plus, he’s clearly having the time of his life – this seal doesn’t need to catch any epic waves to have the time of his life surfing! He’s got our SEAL of approval!

This surfing seal video was caught on the HERO3 GoPro camera by Matt and his friend. Here’s what they had to say about it:

“Me and my friend Andrew were out enjoying some summer waves when this little guy came along and scared the hell out of Andy because we didn’t know what it was! It nudged his foot from underneath. When we got home Andy rang the local marine wildlife authority to make them aware of what occurred just in case the seal was unwell…He didn’t seem unwell when he was surfing in like a pro!”

Seals really are the dogs of the water!

In case you’re wondering, the video doesn’t have any music. Try watching it with some surfing inspired music, like The Beach Boys’ “Surfin’ USA” for an epic good time watching this little seal surf!