Patches The Horse Is AMAZING – What He Can Do Is Unbelievable!

Well, this is officially the most awesome, and simultaneously, silliest video I’ve seen all week – and that’s saying something, because I’m a bit addicted to watching all sorts of funny pet videos and then subsequently bringing them to my readers.  Apparently, this horse behaves almost exactly like a human… a 500 pound, extremely muscular, four-legged human who sleeps in your bed and does just about any other human thing you can think of. How did they train this horse to do all of these things? Did they bribe him with carrots?

Patches the horse does everything from ride along in a car specially outfitted for a horse, to sleep in bed and even tuck himself in – and if you don’t believe it, give his house a call, and Patches will even pick up the phone for you. Yeah, seriously. Check it out and see for yourself!