Obie The Dachshund Weighed Almost 100 Pounds, And Then Something Amazing Happened.

Obie was an obese Dachshund. Due to inactivity and a surplus of calories, he reached a weight of 77 pounds. For reference, Dachshunds typically weight 25 to 35 pounds. A change had to be made, or Obie’s life could end much earlier than necessary.

Thanks to some awesome caretakers, Obie the Dachshund was put on a strict diet and exercise regimen. After a great deal of discipline and hard work, he lost a whopping 45 pounds! But he still had about 2 pounds left to lose… in excess skin.

When Obie was 7, he underwent a surgery to remove the loose skin. Now, for the first time in a long time, Obie can run and play like the spry dog he was meant to be. Also, he will probably live a few years longer than he otherwise would have!

In addition to the great weight loss journey that Obie undertook, he also ended up getting to do a bit of traveling! He appeared on several morning shows, including The Today Show.

If you are as happy for Obie the Dachshund as we are, please give this story a Share On Facebook! You can also catch up on the Obie story and see hundreds of pictures of the weight-loss journey at

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Look at how much weight Obie lost! Congratulations, Obie!

