Meet LIL BUB, Internet Cat Sensation

Do you love LIL BUB? I sure do – she’s a very special cat with a special mission. Meet Bub’s owner, Mike Bridavsky, and learn all about how him and Bub met and about Bub’s mission to help other animals.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with one of the internet’s most beloved cats, here is some background. Lil Bub has feline dwarfism, a condition that comes with a set of unique and challenging symptoms. One especially painful symptom that Lil’ Bub was experiencing until she was rescued by her owner, Mike Bridavsky, was osteoporosis in all four of her legs. This is part of the reason that she looks so short and stubby, contributing to her eternal kitten look. Thanks to Mike and a helpful veterinarian, though, Bub was able to take a medication that alleviates her pain and allows her to live a fairly normal feline life, except with million of internet admirers.

See the full story in the video below.