When A Tiny Monkey Gets A Head Massage From A Toothbrush, It’s Reaaaaaally Cute.

This video is going to make you relax.

Have you ever seen a monkey get a massage? How about a Marmoset getting a head massage with a toothbrush set to a serene piano concerto? If the answer is ‘no’, kick back, relax, and watch the video below.

Meet Nininta the Marmoset.  She is really cute, and really laid back, but what she ISN’T… is a pet. Her caretakers want to make it very clear that she is not a pet, and that Marmosets should not be kept as pets. Nininta the Marmoset is wild and rescued – she was  born deaf and abandoned by her parents. Thanks to the kind people at the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, Nininta is well cared for and has been able to live a comfortable life despite her cirumstances.

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