This Golden Retriever Puppy Hates Paper Bags! LOL

This adorable Golden Retriever puppy hates paper bags, and is not too keen on the idea of having one in his house. If you or your family has a fear of brown paper bags, a Golden Retriever may be the dog for you. It never ceases to amaze me how, for a dog, the world is so fresh and new. Every day they have a good chance of encountering something completely new that is bound to amaze them. No matter how familiar and mundane an object may be to me and you, to a dog, it may be a completely new experience! Even just an everyday household item, such as a brown paper bag, pineapple sitting on the kitchen counter, or a stuffed animals may blow your dog’s mind! Watch how this Golden Retriever puppy guards his house and “takes out the trash” in this hilariously cute video.

If you have any hilarious videos of your dogs like this, feel free to contact us on our Facebook page at, and we will be happy to feature you and your silly dog!