Never In My Life Have I Ever Seen A Dog So Terrified By A Cat… OMG!!

I didn’t even know it was possible for a dog to get this scared, and of all things, the family cat! I am experiencing a lot of internal conflict after watching this video. I feel bad for the French Bulldog… but I can’t help but laugh!

This poor French Bulldog gives new meaning to the phrase “All Bark And No Bite.” The video starts out with the cat casually staring down the French Bulldog. After a few minutes of the Frenchy barking, and barking… and barking at the cat, this feisty feline makes his move. What happens next has to be seen to be understand, and simply cannot be described in words. It’s both sad and hilarious. One thing is for sure, the cat runs this household. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he signs the humans’ paychecks and has his name on the deed to the house.

If you felt bad for this bulldog, but still laughed, please give this video a Share On Facebook!