Forget the Apes; Check Out Dawn Of The Planet Of The Pugs

It’s official: Pugs are taking over the world. Hot on the heels of Game of Thrones: Pugs Edition, comes a pug rendition of the new Planet of the Apes movie – Dawn of the Planet of the Pugs. I for one welcome our pug overlords.

It seems like Pugs are getting more and more popular this year. They’ve been popping up everywhere! Just like cats, I could see pugs becoming a staple of the internet and being seamlessly integrated into just about any satire or internet video. Who needs Brad Pitt when you have Brad Pug? I know I don’t.

If you are a Planet of the Apes fan and enjoyed this awesome parody as much as I did, please give it a share on Facebook. Hopefully your friends will get a kick out of it too!