Two Beagles Go Grocery Shopping… And It Is Just As Cute As You Would Think. :)

Chores can be tedious. Think about it – doing the dishes, making the windows sparkle, cooking dinner, buying groceries – you perform all of these tasks… only to have to do them all over again in the near future. Well, have no fear, because apparently Beagles are quite good at lightening the load by getting the grocery shopping out of the way!

In this video, Cute Dog Maymo and his little sister, Puppy Penny, go on a trip to the grocery store. Cute Dog Maymo pushes the shopping cart while Puppy Penny hangs out. In getting to the grocery store, they must traverse mean streets, abandoned railroad tracks, and parking lots, but they eventually reach their destination! The one that really made me laugh is when they are on the boat… totally unexpected! Where is this grocery store anyhow?

I could use a couple of furry little helpers like Maymo and Penny. 🙂 I wonder if they picked up some oranges? I do know Maymo enjoys oranges… just check out THIS video of Maymo vs. an Orange.

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