Can Dogs Tell When A Woman Is Pregnant? This Video Answers That Question! AMAZING!

Last week, I posted a video that showed a future mom trying to communicate to her German Shepherd puppy that she is pregnant. I asked the question, “Can dogs tell when a woman is pregnant?” Many of you sent me responses saying that you think the answer is ‘yes.’ Well, I think this video may confirm that you were correct, and that the answer is a resounding yes.

In the video below, another pregnant woman stands by while her friend slowly motions towards the woman’s belly. The dog, which appears to be some sort of Bully breed, stands closely by warning the friend not to touch her stomach. Now why would a dog feel compelled to do that if not for understanding that the woman is pregnant? I can’t really think of another reason. A word of warning, while this is extremely interesting and cute to us, it is important to keep in mind that to the dog, he is simply doing his job of protecting one of his owners and takes that responsibility very seriously. So please exercise caution if you have a dog and are pregnant, because that dog will ferociously protect you, and may not be able to distinguish between a friend joking around and a real threat to your baby. I’m very grateful that our dogs love us so much, and are willing to protect us like this! This is a cute video for sure. 😀

To see the other video, in which an adorable German Shepherd puppy tries to make sense of his owner’s belly, please click HERE.

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