Bella The Boxer Will Wiggle Her Way Into Your Heart! She’s SO Excited!

If you’ve never seen the Boxer Wiggle, as it is known by the Boxer owning community, then this video is going to forever change what comes to mind when you think of a Boxer dog.

Meet Bella. Bella the Boxer has an excellent Boxer Wiggle, and in this video, she is extremely excited to greet he owner in exuberant Boxer fashion!

This endearing shake and wiggle is one of the signature behaviors of a Boxer. It’s almost as though, since they typically do not have tails, they just wag their entire bodies! It’s always cute, even when they’re full grown… but these dogs become so incredibly powerful and muscular in adulthood that their uncontainable greetings can become difficult to manage!

Boxer owners don’t mind though… most of the time. 😀 Enjoy!