Benjamin the Orphan Pygmy Goat Was Abandoned By His Mother, But Taken In By A New Father.

This Pygmy Goat is one of the cutest little guys I have ever seen.

Benjamin the Orphan Pygmy Goat was abandoned by his mother, so Tom Horsefield decided to take him in. He was one of two twins, but his mother decided only to take care of one. In this video, Benjamin is only about 6 weeks old and certainly not full grown. He could grow to be about the size of a Labrador Retriever, and live to be about 20 years old!

Benjamin has become a bit of a local celebrity. His trademark charms include cute sounds, and nibbling at peoples’ shoelaces. In about two months, Benjamin will move his residence out to the pastures with the other goats, where he will be able to run free and socialize with others like him. In the meantime, I will continue to convince myself that he will be like this forever!

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