When This Baby Poops His Onesie, The Family Dog Has A Hilarious Reaction!

Nobody can resist the sounds of a baby giggling – no matter how bad your day, hearing the sound of a baby’s laughter can have the same effect as holding a puppy: bringing a smile to your face. However, the baby in the video below has that funny smirk on his face for a reason that goes beyond being adorable. They say dogs can sense things that we humans can’t – sometimes it results in acts of canine heroics, but other times pure hilarity ensues. This is an example of the latter – the baby poops his pants, and the dog has a hilarious reaction.

This little baby brings new meaning to the idea of ,”When you gotta go, you gotta go”!

Can you guess what he did? Well, let’s put it this way: babies are built for just a few things: eating, sleeping, crying and pooping. Well, the poor dog knows. Wait until you see the look on his face when baby goes number 2. :-O