Pit Bull Shows His True Colors… And They Are Beautiful.

These days, the Pit Bull tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to its reputation. Every time I turn on the news, it seems that there is another story about how there was a dog attack and it was a Pit Bull, further cementing the idea that aggression is a breed-specific problem with dogs.

Those of use that have owned a Pit Bull know that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pit Bulls are incredibly gentle, loyal, and human-loving animals. I’ve known many people during my time as a dog owner that have owned a variety of dog breeds, and I can tell you that the dog’s temperament and personality is almost always a reflection of the owner. This video is a wonderful example of that.

Watch Duke the Pit Bull’s reaction to the wonderful song that his owner wrote for him. The lyrics are so fitting and fantastic! I think Duke agrees, because he nestles right into the musician’s neck and looks completely enthralled with the song. You can tell that he really appreciates the music and has a very close and loving bond with his owner.

If you wouldn’t mind, please Share this video with with your friends. The more people that see videos like this, the more we can undo the prejudices and stereotypes that have been fostered towards this wonderful breed.